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El Coyote Quilt Logo

Quilt Cleaning

The average user will typically not need to clean their quilt often, however over time your quilt will absorb oils and contaminants from your skin, hair etc. and more use will require more frequent cleaning.


Wearing a base layer or sleeping clothes in your quilt will help to keep it clean longer.

Hand wash only and refrain from cleaning more often than needed to reduce premature wear. 


When is it time to clean your quilt?

  • The down is not as lofty as it once was

  • Fabrics have dirty or discolored appearance

  • Odor 

DO NOT dry clean

DO NOT machine wash

DO NOT use high heat in dryer

DO NOT use regular laundry detergent


Hand-Washing Instructions

  1. Fill the bathtub with clean warm water and a minimal amount of a cleaner specifically for use with down products. Regular laundry detergent will strip the valuable, natural, fats, and oils from the down.

  2. Continuously press the quilt down into the water until all down is completely saturated. Be patient, the air trapped in the down will try to keep it afloat. One trick is to completely submerge the quilt while still in a stuff sack and removing it while it is underwater, that way it will absorb water rather than air as it expands.

  3. Once the quilt is completely saturated in the warm, soapy water, let it soak for at least 10 minutes before continuing the cleaning process. This will help to soften and break up dirt and contaminates resulting in a cleaner finished product.

  4. Gently massage the quilt in the bath for a few minutes, being careful not to be to aggressive.

  5. Drain water leaving the quilt in the bathtub.

  6. Gently press out the remaining water against the bottom of the bathtub NEVER “wring out” the quilt to remove the water as it will damage internal baffles and ultralight materials.

  7. Refill the tub with clean water and repeat steps 3 through 5 until water runs clear and soap has all been rinsed away (not rinsing the soap out thoroughly can reduce loft and will result in the quilt getting dirty again more quickly).

  8. With the water drained and the quilt spread out flat in the tub, pressing clean dry bath towels against the quilt will absorb more of the water and help speed up drying.

  9. At this point the quilt will still be wet and heavy. You must be VERY careful when handling it while wet to not damage the ultralight shell and inner construction.

  10. Using both hands, gather the quilt, support the weight from beneath or place it in a laundry basket and transfer to the dryer on NO HEAT or “fluff” mode (this will take quite a few cycles). Some people choose to use the low heat setting but do this at your own risk and check often as some dryers will have hot spots and can permanently damage shell fabrics.

  11. Add a few dryer balls or clean tennis balls to help break up the wet down.

  12. Periodically stopping the dryer to gently fluff by hand will help.

  13. Once the quilt feels dry it may still have some moisture inside so you can hang dry it indoors for a few days before storing to prevent mildew. NEVER store your quilt until it is completely free of any moisture. 

Quilt Storage

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Between trips, air out your quilt to eliminate any possible moisture or odors before storage. 
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Store it in a cool, dry, indoor location, fully lofted or in the included XL logo storage sack or similar breathable sack.
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To prevent the possibility of mildew do not use a waterproof or non-breathable sack or bin for storage.
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